2022 was a wonderful year for us as a family and for the ministry. I started working on a master’s degree at Dallas Theological Seminary so I can be better equipped to teach and minister God’s Word. I also taught a mission’s class in the third year program at Christ for the Nations. In October, I led a small team to El Salvador to minister with and encourage our associate missionaries down there.
Susan continues to teach at Christ for the Nations and has been speaking in various churches in the Dallas area. WMA continues to expand with new missionaries who are reaching people all over the world with the love of Jesus. Russia invaded Ukraine. WMA Associate Missionaries in Poland, Romania, and Austria, have been the hands and feet of Jesus to many refugees who have been devastated by this war. Please continue to pray for these refugees. As 2022 comes to a close and we enter in to 2023 with great expectations, I am reminded of our tendency to act as though some magical thing happens with the turn of the clock at midnight on December 31st. We make New Year’s resolutions, we talk about darkness turning to light, we talk about our hopes and our dreams for the future. To be sure, those things are right. We ought to do them. It is good to hope. But we all know too well that the problems and issues we face in one year have a tendency to follow us into the new one. I love when Anne Shirley quips that tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it. She is swiftly corrected by her teacher, “there are no mistakes in it yet.” And so it goes. We do hope for good things in the future. But whether the issues you are dealing with right now change or not, be encouraged that we serve the One Who holds our future in His hands. Rest in Him. I will pray with the old Puritan: I launch my bark on the unknown waters of this year; with thee, O Father, as my harbour, thee, O Son, at my helm, thee, O Holy Spirit, filling my sails. Thank you so much for your support in 2022. We love and appreciate all of you! -Chad
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