Ashley Ruffin

There are defining moments that change the course and the direction of your life. This happened to me in an empty closet of an abandoned house in south Jackson. I was living in Mississippi as an inner city missionary in the heart beat of Jackson when God flipped my life upside down. I knew that Jesus was calling me SHORT TERM to the inner cities of America, but in this moment, as I sat in the dusty closet everything changed. Jesus began to break my heart for the American Bride. Since I was 15 I obediently went to every city, state, and country that Jesus laid on my heart. Each place I waited patiently for Jesus to tell me the nation where I would live and die in the dirt, the place I would hang my heart, the place where I would serve my people and serve my King. All my desires seemed to topple over as Jesus began to show me the blood stained gown that had adorned the American Bride. “Who will love the one that seems to have it all, yet is so spiritually poor that she is starving and bleeding to death without hope for a savior?”
My hearts cry was so simple and so sincere, “Yes, Lord I will go to her!” When I emerged from that closet red faced and hoarse, Jesus began birthing something on the inside of me. My hearts cry is now to unite the lost, forgotten bride of America, back to the Lover, Husband, and King of her soul! I now live in Abilene, Texas at a ministry house in a neighborhood well below the poverty line. Jesus is using me to love on inner city children and to show others how to fall in love with Jesus everyday of their lives. I still travel globally to encourage the church and introduce the Lost to their Savior, but I am happily based in Texas crying out for the Bride to hear the voice of the Bridegroom!
As a graduate from Christ for the Nations and Iris Global I love to see the magnitude of what one person’s Yes to Jesus and how it will impact the Nations.
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PO Box 764408
Dallas, TX 75376
(Please designate for Ashley Ruffin)
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