![]() There was a cartoon that showed a man getting his fortune told by a fortuneteller. As she looked him over she said, “you will be sad and miserable and poor until you are 30.” “Gee,” the man replied, hoping for a change in fortune... “what happens when I'm 30?” The fortune-teller replied, “then you'll get used to it.” Our reaction to the circumstances of our lives will have everything to do with our sense of well-being and success. It affects our ability to be thankful even in challenging circumstances. It is our perspective that counts and a determination to see beyond what's in front of our eyes. I remember when we decided to move to Dallas, TX from beautiful Hilton Head Island, SC. We had friends that questioned our sense; “really, you're moving to the jungle of city living in landlocked Dallas, TX from your beautiful resort home, a fifteen minute walk from the beach?” In retrospect I can see that that may have looked like a questionable move. I did have several months of adjustments and could have allowed depression to set in and dictate my attitude, but I decided to find something that I thought was beautiful about the Texas landscape and focus on that. I chose the bluebonnets that bloom every spring. If you've not yet experienced this wonder in blues and purples you have missed an extravagant spectacle of God's artistic breath…hills and sides of highways covered with flowers in the midst of the hustle and bustle of traffic. Many a day you will see this traffic halted to a slow crawl and even some people stopping to gaze at this spring wonder. There are always people and families tromping through the maze of color and having pictures taken to commemorate this brief interlude of beauty splattered across the Texas scenery. It is a view that is too short-lived but one that is etched in your memory so keenly you anticipate the ritual return with anticipation. We must learn to make the best and choose to see the best in any situation...you may not be able to change your situation but you can change your attitude. Two men looked from prison bars, One saw mud, the other stars. The Thanksgiving celebration is almost upon us. You may find yourself in limiting or frustrating circumstances, but choose today and ask for His perspective...mud may be all around but look up...you'll see stars. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. -I Thess. 5:18
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