WMA is a registered 501(c) 3 that can help you with administrative support so that you can focus on reaching your nation with the Gospel.
WMA can handle your personal missionary financial support that you receive each month from your donors. Funds designated to you or your ministry name are made payable to World Missions Advance and sent to the WMA office in Dallas, Texas. The funds are then deposited or wired once a month into your bank account.
The missionary has the ability to login to an account we will create for them to see their donations and donor information and a donor report is sent to you or your organization monthly and annually.
Your donors receive an Annual Contribution Statement from WMA for their records. This service allows missionaries freedom from this bookkeeping task.
WMA can print and mail your monthly newsletter to your partners, or assist you with E-newsletters.
Administrative Fee: WMA deducts 6% from the donations received by WMA in your name. This 6% is then put back into the WMA account to cover our operating costs in the U.S. and to further the Gospel in other parts of the world. (There is an additional 2.5% charge for all donations made with a credit/debit card; and $1.25 charge for each ACH donation.)
Each WMA missionary is highlighted on our website with a photo, a description of their ministry and contact information.
The missionary has the ability to receive Ministers Housing Allowance, if they qualify.
WMA sends out teams on short-term trips to work with leaders and pastors in other nations. Also, WMA will help facilitate the placement of new missionaries in the country where God is leading them.
Receive encouragement, prayer support and personal pastoral care from WMA. As a God called missionary to your nation, it does not matter how big the spiritual and political giants are in your nation.
The leadership of WMA is available to conduct conferences in your nation.