World Missions Advance was founded in the early '90s by Randy and Susan Bozarth as a means to branch out from the U.S. into the uttermost parts of the earth. Since the early '70s, Randy and Susan Bozarth ministered through, pastoring, traveling, speaking, praying, and providing encouragement in many venues in the United States and all over the world. During his lifetime, Randy traveled to over forty nations within six continents ministering the Gospel of Jesus. Chad and Susan continue the ministry today, traveling both domestically and abroad, encouraging leaders, speaking in local churches/conferences, and providing administrative and spiritual support to associate missionaries stationed all around the world.
"To me, my family, and later our ministry, they were an answer to prayer. We knew that God wanted us here in El Salvador, we just didn't know how. Since we have started working with them they have become family, and someone to walk along with me in serving Him." -Kurt Ackermann, President Foundation Sus Hijos / His Children / States Diner