Bryan and Dorie McLemore (Global Missions)
Bryan and Dorie's goal as Global Missionaries is to train up the next great generation of missional leaders. They do this by educating, training and launching new missionaries into the mission field. They connect new missionaries to their network of leaders around the world in which they can work beside during short-term service and eventually have the option for long-term commitments. These national leaders receive the help they need and access for training, resources, and relational support.
If you would like to partner with Bryan and Dorie financially to train up missional leaders around the world, please click the donate button below. Or you may send a check to the following address:
World Missions Advance
PO Box 764408
Dallas, TX 75376-4408
(Donations are tax-deductible.)
If you would like to partner with Bryan and Dorie financially to train up missional leaders around the world, please click the donate button below. Or you may send a check to the following address:
World Missions Advance
PO Box 764408
Dallas, TX 75376-4408
(Donations are tax-deductible.)