![]() I recently watched the movie "The War Room". If you haven't had a chance to see it please do. Ever since I saw the movie I have longed to have my own private prayer closet. Living in a safe house with between 3-11 other people and being the "mom" to these children (and wife to Oscar) has always made personal time a challenge. Oscar and I have our own bedroom, of course, but that has become more of his man cave than the dainty prayer room that I desire. Now that all of the teen moms have grown up and moved out we have finally been able to rearrange the house. Our house, for those of you who haven't visited us yet, is a two story house. There are 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom upstairs and there are two bedrooms and one half bath downstairs and, oh yeah, our shower which Oscar built out on the back patio since there was no other place to put a shower. Don't worry it's completely private. So, All of the kids now live upstairs including Faviola. Up until a month ago Faviola slept in one of the bedrooms downstairs. Oscar and I sleep in one of the bedrooms downstairs which leaves one bedroom downstairs open. Obviously we need to make a nursery for our future baby.So I started to change the second downstairs bedroom into a nursery. As I began to work I thought about how tiny a baby is. She surely won't need an entire bedroom all for herself will she? So I carefully divided the room in half. The front half has her crib, wardrobe, a rocking chair, and changing table. The back half hides my desk (!!!!!!!), book shelf, tread mill, and file cabinet. Yes!!!!!!! Finally I have my own space. I have already begun to review so many pages of so many devotional books that I have highlighted and jotted notes in. I've been writing each word on sticky notes and sticking them on my walls. I have Bible verses like: The Lord is for me; I will not fear; what can man do to me? It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man Psalm 118:6,8, encouraging words like: "When we sing a midnight song or speak praises in the darkest hours the chains of hopelessness not only drop from our ankles but sometimes from the ankles of those who listen." (Beth Moore To Live is Christ...if you haven't read it, read it. Christians and non Christians alike) and prayer requests like "pray for your husband daily". I have my praise and worship music ready to go any time that I can come in here and be alone with God. I so enjoy coming into my little corner in this big house to meet with my God. Finally, I can pray without being interrupted (well, sometimes) and can dance around, cry, sing, raise my hands all without opening my eyes to see my family staring at me as if I've finally gone insane! I had forgotten, really, what it was like to praise God openly; without reservation. I want to encourage you to do two things. First if you don't have a prayer closet (or special place) please make one. Even if it is in the corner of a small room in your house. Our God is big, but we only need a little space to talk to Him!! Secondly, I want to pray for you. Please contact me if there is anything at all you need or want prayer for. I long to have my walls covered with sticky notes of prayer requests and of answered prayers. Oscar and I so appreciate the support you all give to us. Not only the financially support, but the words of encouragement, or even a like on our Facebook pages. We appreciate you. Please, if you have a "war room" or if you make one because of this blog, comment below and let me know where yours is and how it is working out for you. Again we thank you for our support. Please remember that Oscar and do not get a salary from Esther's Heart Ministry and we live only on what donations are given to us. We are still in need of $5,080.00 for Faviola's adoption. To donate now click on "Click here" above. Again, we thank you for your support. (For those of you who may ask why we have changed our amount from $15,000.00 It's because we won't need money for the baby's adoption for about a year so we want to focus on getting Faviola's adoption paid for first.)
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