Tak Siong Lau - Australia (serving Pastors and the impoverished in Asia)
Tak Siong Lau lives in Australia and is Founder/Director of Advance Leadership. Pastor Lau has been in the ministry as a pastor and missionary for over 48 years. He is married to Angelina and they have two daughters and three grand children.
Over the years, Tak has conducted leadership training in China, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam and India. His missionary work currently takes him to India, Vietnam, Myanmar and Malaysia where he conducts training for pastors, benevolent ministry to the poor, and bringing gifts and encouragement to the local pastors and leaders in these countries.
If you desire to support Tak's missions ministry, please click donate below. Or you may send a check made payable to:
World Missions Advance
PO Box 764408
Dallas, TX 75376-4408
(Please designate on check for Tak Lau. All donations are tax-deductible.)
Over the years, Tak has conducted leadership training in China, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam and India. His missionary work currently takes him to India, Vietnam, Myanmar and Malaysia where he conducts training for pastors, benevolent ministry to the poor, and bringing gifts and encouragement to the local pastors and leaders in these countries.
If you desire to support Tak's missions ministry, please click donate below. Or you may send a check made payable to:
World Missions Advance
PO Box 764408
Dallas, TX 75376-4408
(Please designate on check for Tak Lau. All donations are tax-deductible.)
For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, “You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11